Of Paper – Leo Morrissey (Winston-Salem, NC) and Delio Gennai (Pisa, IT ) August 31 – October 7, 2012 – Charlotte and Philip Hanes Art Gallery / Wake Forest University

Of Paper – Leo Morrissey (Winston-Salem, NC) and Delio Gennai (Pisa, IT ) August 31 – October 7, 2012 – Charlotte and Philip Hanes Art Gallery / Wake Forest University

Of Paper

Leo Morissey, assume responsibility, 2011 Delio Gennai, Prayer Book, 2004

Of Paper
Opening Reception: Thur Aug 30 5-7pm
Exhibition: August 31 – October 7
Of Paper is comprised of two related exhibitions focusing on the work of artists Leo Morrissey (Winston-Salem, NC) and Delio Gennai (Pisa, IT), some of it on, but most of it OF paper. Paper, for these artists, is utilized as substance and structure to carry both form and meaning. The works of both artists imply that much of the development of culture as we understand it has relied on the use of paper.

For more information: hanesgallery.wfu.edu/ofpaper

Fine Arts

How to Find Us
We’re located in the lower-building of Scales Fine Arts Center on the campus of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. For directions click here.

Exhibitions and events at Hanes Gallery are free,
unless otherwise stated
Phone 336.758.5585
Hours: M-F 10am-5pm / Sat-Sun 1pm-5pm

1834 Wake Forest Rd.
Scales Fine Arts Center
Winston-Salem, NC 27109
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Una collezione in mostra 2 – Raccolta di grafica e dipinti dalla Collezione Giorni – Inaugurazione Sabato 1 ottobre 2016
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