elio Gennai’s Ri/Affioramenti: Encountering the Other in Pisa and Visual ‘Echoes’ of Medieval Mediterranean Italy- Hanes Art Gallery / Wake Forest University​/

Delio Gennai, Little Theater, 2000

Delio Gennai’s Ri/Affioramenti: Encountering the Other in Pisa and Visual ‘Echoes’ of Medieval Mediterranean Italy
Time: Thur Sept 20 3pm
Location: Scales Fine Arts Center, Room 102
Wake Forest University Romace Languages professor Roberta Morosini will present a talk focusing on the evocation of the culture of late-medieval Pisa in the artwork of featured artist Delio Gennai.

Gennai is an installation artist working primarily with paper. Many of his pieces concentrate on the Islamic sources of these elements and their Kufic script, highlighting the hybrid qualities of art created during periods of both conflict and cultural interaction.

The lecture is free and open to the public and will be followed by a small reception. For more information please visit: hanesgallery.wfu.edu/ofpaper

Delio Gennai, Works based on Kufic Script, Calligraphy, Intarsia, 2012 (detail)

Rendering the Word:
Calligraphy and Inscription in Islamic Art
Time: Thur Sept 27 3:30 pm
Location: Charlotte and Philip Hanes Art Gallery
Wake Forest University Art History professor Chanchal Dadlani will present a gallery talk inspired by the work of Delio Gennai. She will discuss the status of the written word in Islam, the significance of calligraphy, the arts of the book, and architectural inscriptions in Islamic visual culture, and the echoes of these traditions in Gennai’s recent works.

The talk is free and open to the public and will be followed by a small reception. For more information please visit: hanesgallery.wfu.edu/ofpaper

Scales Fine
Arts Center

How to Find Us
We’re located in the lower building of Scales Fine Arts Center on the campus of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. For directions click here.

Exhibitions and events at Hanes Gallery are free,
unless otherwise stated
Phone 336.758.5585
Hours: M-F 10am-5pm / Sat-Sun 1pm-5pm

1834 Wake Forest Rd.
Scales Fine Arts Center
Winston-Salem, NC 27109

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ORIZZONTI – opere di Carlo Battisti – Inaugurazione sabato 10 giugno 2017
Renato Spagnoli – 10 Maggio 1997
Bianco e Nero – Delio Gennai – Andrea Lunardi a cura di Anna Brancolini Inaugurazione 7 ottobre 2017 ore 18
libro e segnalibri – Inaugurazione Sabato 8 Giugno ore 18

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